Tuesday, May 31, 2011

 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
   the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 

Psalm 19:1 (NIV)

God can be seen and heard in the magnificent and in the minute. A warm Summer breeze can tell us many things about the Creator of the universe. When He whispers in the wind as it gently brushes past our ear, we can hear Him say, "I love you that much". When the scent of his breath drifts by our noses, we can smell sweet honeysuckle or salty ocean air. As He speaks, we can feel the warmth of His breath as it touches our cheek.    

God visits us in the stupendous and the small. A fluttering butterfly wisping along on the same Summer breeze can heighten our sense of His presence. The intricate weave of colors and patterns on the wings of the Monarch may stir our spirit prompting us to wonder at the beauty of God. The sight of the beautiful insect may gently remind us of loved ones that have gone on before us and God's reassurance that He has them.

God meets our needs in extraordinary ways and in everyday ways. Wandering through a small creek, a cool clear current can make its way over and around stones supplying water to all forms of life along its path reminding us that He is water to a thirsty soul. As we dip our hands into the cool water and feel the movement of the current between our fingers, we are reminded of how His Spirit moves us. Just as the water molecules' origin and destination can not be found, so is the inexhaustible God of Creation.

Are we listening? Are we perceiving? Are we receiving? He speaks, but are we aware? He sooths, but are we too rushed to rest? He admonishes, but are we so bent on our own way that we ignore?

I love to look for God in His creation, but I'm amazed when He reveals Himself unexpectedly. A little over a year after our car wreck, we went to the beach for a family reunion. It was my first trip back to the sandy turf after becoming paralyzed. For those of you that have never thought about it (I never had before), wheelchairs and sand do not make for a good time. I was not only limited to the wheelchair, but I was also limited to the wooden sidewalk that went only so far over the sand. The beach and ocean were definitely not assessable! But, my children were five and six and they were loving every minute of it and I enjoyed watching them discover this new world around them.

Our last night at the beach, the children wanted to go digging for crabs. Armed with sand pails, shovels, and flash lights, they were on their way. I rolled out as far as I could go and sat...and listened...and in the moments that I was alone, I looked up. There was a full moon and a sky full of stars. In the safety of the dark and away from my families eyes, I felt the tears streaming down my face. I felt very alone. I was very vulnerable. I prayed. God spoke. There in the sky was a shooting star that looked as though it started in one hemisphere and danced clear into the next. Yes, God speaks. We may just have to listen with our eyes sometimes.

Right then. Right there. God reminded me that I was not alone, nor was I vulnerable. He assured me that I would walk someday, but more importantly, that His strength is made perfect in my weakness. So, whatever your struggle or hurt...remember "His grace is sufficient."

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